After reading Michael's post I feel the need to correct a few things..... We are not vegans.....We have decided to be mostly vegetarian. We will occasionally eat meat but not every day like we used to.
Now on to the liver cleanse. Since I contracted Hepatitis A and ICP during our last pregnancy I decided that a cleaning of my liver was a good idea. I found this method. We followed it and came up with results like this. (warning:not for the weak stomach) So the Epsom salt we had to drink was pretty awful but the grapefruit juice-olive oil mix was not as bad as I thought it would be. I was really pleased with the results, I expelled a bunch of little and not so little gallstones. I feel this will help my overall health and the health of our future babies.
As many of you know I am pretty into the natural method of doing things ie...herbs, home births, natural remedies and all that fun stuff. So I will probably post more of this stuff in the future, hope you enjoy it!
Oh I had to add that I am amazed at what a comic my hubby is. His posts crack me up as I'm sure they do you to!!! Way to go hunny!